What’s in a name?

How do you say Adcelerium?

[ad] + [sel] + [AIR] + [ee] + [uhm]

[ad] + [chel] + [AIR] + [ee] + [uhm]

[ad] + [sel] + [eh] + [REE] + [uhm]

All of these, or any other, pronunciations are OK.

What does Adcelerium mean?

“Ad Celero” means “I hasten” in Latin. This is the root of the word accelerate and its translations in every romance language.

A conjugation ending in “m” or “mo” for some romance language verbs indicates the “we” plural conjugation. We have left indications of both the “I hasten” and “we” elements in our name as a reminder that in our projects each person involved needs to have a personal responsibility to contribute to advancing the idea, but we also operate in teams and partnerships on everything we do, which requires us to be collaborative in nature.

Finally, the “ium” ending in Latin words, like terrarium or stadium, indicates a place or home for a function or process. We have adopted that into our name to highlight that our idea accelerator is the place where ideas are developed, like an idea factory.

That is the story behind our name. Please contact us if you want to know more about investing with us, pitching something to us, or working with us in some other way.